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Tuesday 20 December 2022

Message to bishops, priests & all who do marriage preparation, on the dangers of emotional affairs


Dear Catholic clergy and any other people who prepare couples for marriage

Much marriage preparation does not take into account the relatively recent phenomena of social media and the array of messaging platforms, which lend themselves to emotional and physical affairs. Relate the marriage guidance charity says there has been a huge surge of online affairs since the smartphones came into use, along with the array of messaging apps on offer.

We all know that breaking the 6th commandment is about adultery and the 9th commandment is about adultery of the heart.

Never has it been so easy in the history of mankind to have an emotional affair - whether it’s via WhatsApp or any of the 100s of messaging apps. Some even make it easy for the adulterers, as the messages disappear once read and therefore the poor unsuspecting spouse has NO idea what’s going on behind his or her back.

When 2 people message others and would not like their husband or wife to see those messages, according to Relate, it’s an affair - EVEN if no physical activity has taken place. Adultery of the heart is possibly worse than physical adultery as it involves hearts, and hearts are stronger than the flesh.

Many more divorce cases site emotional affairs as the reason for the break up of the marriage. 

It’s just so easy at the click of a button to send a heart emoji which beats and all the other emojis, not to mention all the writing that accompanies these love messages. These messaging apps can be addictive and the adulterous couple get excitement  at the next message. Before they know it, they are now hooked on the messaging partner and ignoring their husband or wife.

So please update the marriage preparation course to include this real danger.

First loves are especially susceptible to these apps. Look how friends reunited destroyed many marriages.

Thank you clergy and others

Wednesday 12 October 2022

A Haiku Poem. Love Addiction and Emotional affairs

 This Haiku poem follows the pattern of 5 syllables on the first line, 7 on the second and 5 on the third line.

 The subject matter is a very common problem, and particularly since social media has made it very easy for mental affairs to happen. Also, the disastrous lockdowns gave people a lot of time on their hands to pursue other people outside of their marriages. ‘Relate’ charity say that a mental affair is an intense relationship with someone else outside of your marriage, whom you would not let your spouse see the messages. This they term an emotional affair. Emotional affairs are much more damaging than physical affairs, as the emotions are stronger than the flesh. Emotional affairs take time away from the spouses, and the marriage suffers. The spouses become more and more disconnected the longer the mental affairs continue. The damage can be long lasting as once trust has gone, it may never return.

If you are worried, watch out for any unusual behaviour - does your spouse go for longer walks than normal or are they changing their habits suddenly ? Are they on their phones a lot - are they growing distant from you? Do they mention someone a lot - someone who they didn’t mention much before. Look at their expression when they are messaging others. It’s wise to keep a subtle vigilance. Does their voice change when talking to another person, such as a higher octave?

This poem applies to millions of couples all over the world.

 ‘ her’ can be swapped for ‘him’, ‘husband’ can be swapped for ‘wife’ etc.

Addicted to Her!

My husband and his first love

Betraying his wife

I was so naive

During lockdown, texting her

And ignoring me

Complaining to her

And she complaining to him

About their spouses

Two years of lockdown

His addiction to her grew

I felt abandoned!

Does her husband know

That he fell in love with her?

She encouraged it!

Just special friendship

They are kidding us you know!

Both of them selfish!

He said ‘I love her

I love her, I love her, 

I just can’t help it’

I will not see her

She is no longer my friend

Femme Fatale is she! (Or what a cad is he)

But how will they meet?

They need her hubby and me

To enable them

I cannot stop him!

Seeing her, he seeks every 

Means to see her soon

Even Scripture says

Adultery of the heart

Is a mortal sin!

Tuesday 2 August 2022

Mayor of Sorrento Italy bans bikinis and topless torsos in public places! July 2022.

August 2022

My sister was in a panic recently as she and her family were off to Sorrento in Italy, for a summer holiday. The panic was that she only had bikinis for the beach and the mayor of the town has banned all bikinis and topless men from public places. Moreover, anyone caught flouting the rules will be fined up to £425. This is because the local people find too much flesh on show offensive. The mayor also blamed women wearing bikinis and men showing bare torsos on the widespread “indecent behaviour”. Smilar bans are in other coastal regions such as Praia a Mare in Calabria. The original article was from the Daily Mail dated 7th July 2022.

Personally I don’t wear swimming clothes of any description as I don’t swim - it is ruinous to my hair which is fine and delicate and frizz prone. I also don’t swim because I like to see what’s in the sea, and having seen “Jaws” at the tender age of 12, it put me right off swimming in the sea. I also don’t sunbathe as it causes skin cancer, so I find it is more practical to wear flowing cotton and linen and not have to put horrid suncream all over, which, by the way is full of chemicals.

Bikinis are  gaudy and tasteless and women’s bottoms generally are not attractive as they are often rather large. Bikini tops are so skimpy nowadays that yes, they are indecent. Men’s torsos often have a beer belly. I salute the mayor of Sorrento for this brave stance! He's a brave man in these politically correct gone mad, times.

Some fashions today are awful - women wearing  masculine trouser suits, and men wearing effeminate clothing. Where has elegance and dignity gone? Where has effort into one’s appearance gone? Was the current state of dressing part of a long term dark plan? 

I am reading the book by former fashion model and weather girl Colleen Hammond, called  “Dressing With Dignity” - first published in 2004. it is an eye opening book citing Catholic Church teaching on this subject, and how the Freemasons long term goal is to the destroy the Catholic Church from within  - using subtle and subversive means.  One of these means is through women, knowing that women are usually the moral compasses of society. They wanted to make women reveal more flesh, which in turn would tempt men into adulterous liaisons, leading to marital breakups and divorce. So how to do this? Infiltrate the fashion industry. The other masonic plan was to infiltrate seminaries, and have masons amongst the clergy - this they have achieved superbly. That is why it is a mortal sin for any Catholic  to be a freemason. See below for a definition of Freemasonry.

in 1928 the Freemasons revealed their plan in the International Review on Freemasonry, and I quote; 

“It is necessary to corrupt, that our boys and girls practice nudism in dress. To avoid too much reaction, one would have to progress in a methodical manner; first undress up to the elbow; then up to the knees; then arms and legs completely uncovered; later, the upper part of the chest, the shoulders, etc”

The popes were alert to the fashion world and in 1928 Pope Pius 11th started a modesty crusade - in 1928!! Pope Pius 12th (1939-58) continued with this.

The rules stated that -  

 “A dress cannot be called decent which is cut deeper than 2 fingers’ breadth under the pit of her throat, which does not cover the arms at least to the elbows, and scarcely reaches a bit beyond the knees. Furthermore, dresses of transparent material are improper.” (Short sleeves were permitted as a temporary concession because of “impossible market conditions.”)

Furthermore on  January 12th  1930 Pope Pius 11th issued a letter stating that - 

“Maidens and women dressed immodestly are to be debarred from Holy Communion and from acting as sponsors at the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation; further; if the offence be extreme, they may even be forbidden to enter the church”.

in 1946 the Canadian bishops told men to wear shirts in public - including beaches, and to avoid tight trousers.

In the summer of 1946 the first bikini was shown at the Paris fashion runways. 

Pope Pius XII in 1954 admonished young girls saying that if their outfits were an occasion of sin for others, then it was their duty not to wear them. He asked mothers to make sure their daughters dressed in a dignified way.

I have already put a blogpost regarding Cardinal Siri on women wearing trousers - so I won’t repeat it here.  

My spiritual father Padre Pio would not give absolution to a particular woman unless she stopped selling women’s trousers in her shop! This was in 1963. 

What does the Holy Bible say about clothing? Deuteronomy 22:5 says “A woman shall not be clothed with man’s apparel, neither shall a man use woman’s apparel: for he that does these things is abominable before God.”  

Blessed Jacinta Marto, one of the three little visionaries at Fatima, Portugal 1917 was told by Our Lady in 1920 that, “Certain fashions will be introduced which will offend Our Lord very much. Persons who serve God must not follow the fashions. The Church does not have fashions; Our Lord is always the same. The sins of the world are very great…”  Excerpt from "A flower of Fatima" by Rev G de Oliveira, pg 164.

Our Lord told Alexandrina da Costa (1904-1955), that “Vanity and extravagance in the world must cease. Let those exhibiting their bodies clothe themselves. Let modesty reign.  Penance! Prayer! Much prayer is needed!” Taken from "Alexandrina" by F Johnston, pg 101.

Pope Benedict XI (1914-1922) also sounded the alarm over women’s fashions in 1919.

I could go on - but I don’t think people like reading too much at a time,  so I have kept this article to under 2 pages long.

The book is still in print and I really recommend it!

Freemasonry is a secret society founded in England in 1717. They have secret doctrines, rituals and oaths. They consider masonry to be the universal religion, and they honour Jesus Christ as they honour Socrates, Buddha and Mohammed. Freemasonry claims that Christ is not divine and that satan is not evil. Taken from Bro. C Madden, O.F.M's book - "Freemasonry; Mankind's Hidden Enemy" 1955.

Monday 1 August 2022

Latin Mass @ noon in East Horsley on Sunday 30th October 2022. Confessions 11.15

 I attended the Latin mass on Sunday 31st July, which was held for the first time, at a private room at Drift golf club, East Horsley in Surrey. The organiser, called Alan had done a great job of finding a suitable altar, with the perfect height of 31 inches (I think!). He was making all the preparations since 2am! 

Father Peter Morgan had come all the way from Plymouth in Devon to say Holy Mass, thanks to a kind driver.

At 11.30 a long queue formed for confession, and the Mass started at around 12.30.

It was good to see many young families and very well behaved children. I didn’t count but I am guessing there were about 40 people or more.

Afterwards there was a room which served as a suitable place for teas and coffees.

Father Peter Morgan is hoping to come every 5th Sunday of the month, so the next one is on the feast of Christ the King.

Tuesday 21 June 2022

GARY GIUFFRE very important interview on THAT infamous conclave of October 1958

 I no longer attend Novos Ordo masses, as I believe that the Second Vatican council was a robber council and allowed illiegal changes to the old rite Latin mass, making it like the English Protestant service. I also believe that the conclave of 26th October 1958, elected a false pope, who called the Vatican 2 wicked council. I do not accept this truly monstrous council.

Here is a recent interview, with Gary Giuffre, who made it his life’s mission to find out what happened to the Church since that infamous conclave of 1958, when the good Cardinal Siri was validly elected, but was threatened with death to his family, if he didn’t stand aside for an unelected ‘pope’. When one witnesses the chaos in the Church for the last 60 years, it is obvious that something very evil and sinister took place at that October conclave, and indeed later conclaves.

This is a most stunning interview

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