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Monday 7 October 2024

October is the month of the Holy Rosary! Pray it!

 October is traditionally the month of the Holy Rosary.

Pope Leo 13th (1810-1903) wrote 11 encyclicals on the rosary. Why?

He said there were 3 errors at the time.

1 - A distaste for the ordinary life of physical labour had crept into society. The working man was becoming discontent with his lot.

2 - A repugnance for any type of suffering, instead of having a supernatural outlook and 'offering it up'. When one offers up suffering of any kind, it becomes less burdensome, as God uses that suffering to do good elsewhere. 

3 - The loss of people thinking about Heaven, and the loss of the supernatural. 

He saw that man was no longer content with life - and society was collapsing. This was over 100 years ago! He said society was becoming spoilt, and children expected their parents to indulge them all the time!

People were beginning to be influenced by Marxist atheistic communism. In the 1890s he said that people were chasing false gods of this world - and becoming like the pagans, who were addicted to worldly things. Ironically the pagans did have a supernatural outlook, and regarded life as a journey to something supernatural. The pagans had a thirst for eternal life. The pope said that society in the 19th century was worse than the pagans!

So with all these modern problems, the pope was exhorting people to pray  the Rosary. The rosary is the remedy to help all types of situations.

The Joyful mysteries help us to cope with our state of life.

The Sorrowful mysteries teach us how to suffer in union with Our Lord.

The Glorious mysteries help us to strive for Heaven.

The Rosary doesn't take long. Start with a decade and gradually increase it to the full rosary - 5 decades. Eventually increase this to all 3 rosaries - 15 decades. One rosary takes around 15 minutes. Surely people have 15 minutes to pray the Rosary. If you count the hours of how much rubbish TV, sport etc - you have time to say the Rosary! The television is a horrible distraction.

The pope was wanting families to pray the rosary together.

Pope Pius XI also wrote about the Rosary in 1937.

Pope Pius XII wrote about the Rosary in 1951

If you search for  "Rosary Encyclicals" you will find much more on this most important of prayers.

Thursday 26 September 2024

The Latin Mass/Old Rite Mass is the only valid Mass in the UK. And that's if the priest is validly ordained in the first place!

 I was baptised in Blackheath in the Old Rite Latin Mass.

 It was during a time of growing upheaval in the Catholic Church - when the Second Vatican Council was underway, and the  conciliar eruption was simmering like a volcano, waiting to explode onto the world - the eruption began in earnest after the close of the Council on 8th December 1965, 3 years after it started. The church had been well and truly infiltrated by freemasons right up to the highest levels of the church, including pope John 23rd. Freemasonry was always banned in the Church - under pain of excommunication. The nuns at my mother's school in Shaftesbury told the girls that the freemasons get the devil out of the box. That's very apt.

One of the disastrous results of this heinous council was the change to the ancient Mass, from Latin to the vernacular. This was under the guise of making the mass more attractive to Protestants and other denominations. Of course, during the Reformation - the Church of England changed the Latin mass to the vernacular, and the modern mass is akin to the protestant church service. The Latin Mass never went away during the Reformation, it went underground and brave priests were hunted down and martyred if they were caught saying the ancient Mass. That's why there are priest holes in country houses.

Back to the modern council - the Latin Mass went from Latin to the vernacular in around 1969.

My mother describes the changes as - 

'One Sunday we had Latin Mass, and the following Sunday we had guitars".

A handful of brave cardinals did not accept the New Mass - and one of them was the late Archbishop Lefebvre. He refused the say the new mass, as he said it was protestant, and probably invalid. He started the Society of St Pius X, which was to preserve the ancient rite of the Mass. 

Around about the same time as the modern 'mass' was in force, pope Paul 6th decided to change the episcopal rite of ordination - and this, according to Archbishop Lefebvre, made the rite at best - dubious. The implications were massive, because, if the newly ordained bishop was only dubiously ordained, it rendered the priests he was ordaining as dubious too! Just think about that - over many decades of using the new rite, eventually all priests would only be dubiously ordained. If their ordinations are invalid, it invalidates their sacraments! How terrible is that! The modern day Confirmation rite is also dubious and it's a good idea to get a conditional confirmation by a valid bishop.

God obviously used Archbishop Lefebvre to preserve the ancient Mass, and not only that - he ordained 4 bishops in the ancient rite, so that they could validly ordain new priests. The brave Archbishop was excommunicated by pope John-Paul 2. 

Out of the SSPX, came the Sedevacantist movement, which holds that all the popes since John 23rd are invalid, as is the Second Vatican Council. 

I studied Vatican 2 at Maryvale Institute in Birmingham in the early 2000s. What stuck me was the duplicitous language of the documents - and the slippery language used. It was Cardinal Kasper who said in an interview, that the wording of the council documents was deliberately done, to make the documents ambiguous! That my dear people should make you flee from the modern catholic church as fast as possible. Compare the slippery language to the Vatican 1 council of 1870, and you see that the 1870 documents are black and white - no ambiguity anywhere!

If you want the true valid Mass you need to do your homework! Find a Latin Mass -  but more importantly, find out whether the priest was ordained in the new or ancient rite. Many so called conservative  priests say the old Latin Mass, but their ordinations are dubious and therefore you might not be attending a valid Mass!


If you are a priest reading this - ask yourself - was I ordained properly or not? if not - please get conditionally ordained asap. 

Friday 13 September 2024

Episodes from my youth. Chapter 1

 I was born on a December morning in 1962 at the Woolwich Memorial Hospital in Shooters Hill, London. I was overdue. It was a normal birth and I was a normal weight. I was named after debutante Dominie Riley-Smith - who married George Courtauld in the year of my birth. My mother Mary was 23, and my father Robert, aka Bob, was 3 weeks shy of his 29th birthday. In the hospital photos my father resembles a film star, with slicked back dark hair and a silk leopard cravatte.

When I was born, it was quite usual for mothers to stay in hospital for 10 days.

I was baptised at around 5 weeks old - this was the norm for Catholics. Without baptism a child below the age of reason (around 7 years old) cannot get to Heaven. An unbaptised child under the age of reason goes to a place called Limbo, which isn't Heaven, and it isn't Hell. My baptism was at Our Lady Star of the Sea in Greenwich. I was fortunate to be baptised in the Old Rite, which is much more powerful than the new Vatican 2 rite. Catholics name their children after saints, as the saints can, and do intercede for us when we pray to them. My second name is Mary - after Our Lady, Mother of God, who IS the greatest female saint. 

My Godparents were 2 Catholics.



Baptism is SO important that, in an emergency, anyone can baptise, providing they use the correct formula and pour water on the forehead of the person - WHILE saying the words - "I baptise you in the Name of the Father, and of The Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Amen"

Baptism of blood (martyrdom) and desire are also valid. 

Saturday 10 August 2024

Wrapping presents creatively

 No one has to buy special purpose wrapping paper! I haven’t bought wrapping paper for years.

Go to charity shops and use your imagination!

Often, vintage maps are for sale - they are large when opened out, and make excellent and interesimg gift-wrap.

Use old wallpaper rolls - often in charity shops.

In fact you can use old magazines - old catalogues - old brochures - anything really! It’s proper recycling.

I only go to charity shops which  are pro life - many charity shops such as the big cancer ones, support embryo experimentation. I don’t go to those. If you go to the SPUC website - it has a traffic light list of charities. The green ones are pro life, the amber ones are to be treated cautiously, and the red ones are to be avoided.

Happy shopping.!

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