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Thursday, 6 February 2025

Why I won’t attend non Church Weddings any more

 I have noticed a growth in non Church weddings, even if the couple are baptised Catholics/Christians.

There seems to be a trend of having 2 separate events, a small registry office ceremony, followed a few weeks later by another ceremony in a non religious venue, whereby the couple make up some vows, or they get their close friends to draw up a list of vows, to say in front of the seated guests. These can be in amazing and beautiful places.

For baptised Catholics, these are non valid marriages, as they leave Almighty God out of their marriage. This means they miss out on sanctifying grace. Of course, there is an easy remedy, and the couple can always con-validate their marriage in a Catholic Church. By missing out on sanctifying grace, the couple deny themselves of supernatural helps from God. After all marriage can be difficult at times and the couples need as much help as possible.

For most of my adult life, this hasn’t been a problem for me - I usually go to the non religious weddings, and enjoy the party afterwards.

However, this is becoming increasingly difficult and I made a New Year’s resolution in 2025, that I would try and stop attending non religious weddings. 

God is the author of marriage - he made Adam and Eve, and the Holy Bible says they are married. 

When you attend a wedding, you are saying you agree with the marriage.

But if you go to a marriage of baptised Catholics/Christians, and they leave God out (God is banned from registry office ceremonies) - it’s not OK me to attend, knowing that the marriage is not valid in the eyes of the Church. How can I agree with something fake or sham?

I’m sure this will seem offensive to some, but I think registry office weddings are offensive to God - our maker, and author of marriage.

I don’t know if these Catholics think about what they are doing when they leave God out of their marriages, but it strikes me as an insult to their maker.

The venue isn’t the problem, it’s the fact of leaving God out of the marriage.

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