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Monday 25 December 2023

Alcohol is extremely bad for you! It’s poison. Why I decided to stop drinking “for the sake of it”

 I am not an alcoholic, but I certainly used to consume well above the maximum recommended 14 units of alcohol per week, drinking a lot of wine - whether white, rose, red or fizz. I never could drink spirits so I never drank those. 

Gin was invented my the Dutch in the 16th century - purely for medicinal purposes, and as it tasted bad, they added juniper berries to help the medicine “go down”. Whiskey and Brandy were also invented purely for medicinal purposes and in small doses - this is fine. In the early 20th century Whiskey and Brandy were removed from the American list of medicines due to new remedies. Used for medicinal purposes, there is nothing wrong with this. Nowadays, Gin etc are used for recreation purposes and therefore this is a dangerous toxin. Look at the explosion in new flavored Gins! What dangerous temptations!

A few days ago I woke up with a headache and I knew the wine had caused it. That’s when I made a conscious decision to more or less stop drinking. It was a revealing moment. 

I also don’t like its effects on me - I become argumentative and anxious, and that’s a horrid side effect of drinking too much.

The only alcohol I drink now is a regular 125ml glass of red wine with a meal, as there are genuine health benefits, such as polyphenols. Red wine also reduces blood pressure. The other colour wines have nothing to offer health wise, in fact 0 benefits. If you think there are any health benefits of white, rosé or sparkling, please comment below.

Too much alcohol can make you put on weight, leading to obesity, which in its turn causes stress on the vital organs.

Too much Alcohol is incredibly bad for you in many different ways, physically and mentally.

Too much is a mortal sin and needs confessing to a validly ordained priest, before receiving Holy Communion.

Alcohol takes away inhibitions, so you are more likely to say things you would not normally say, and you can end up embarrassing yourself and falling out with others. Alcohol can make you do things you might regret later, especially with members of the opposite sex.

Alcohol causes you to repeat yourself and slur your words.

Alcohol is a known aggressant, which can turn nice people into monsters. I have seen this.

Alcohol is also a depressant. That’s very bad indeed

Alcohol is bad for your skin as it dries it out. Alcohol causes grey skin pallor

Alcohol can make you lose your balance and you can fall over and break a bone

Alcohol can cause liver damage and various cancers

Alcohol is mentioned in the Bible - and it says too much is very bad for you. But A little red  is ok.

Alcohol can control you if you let it. It’s not worth being controlled by this vice.

Red wine used to be less alcoholic but recently it has become more potent. That’s very bad. Always check the label to see what percentage alcohol it has.

Alcohol is a licensed drug, making millions for the government in duties and taxes. The government doesn’t care as it gets money

Alcohol is socially acceptable, making it very a dangerous drug indeed.

The problem with more or less giving it up, is you find you don’t really want to be around heavy drinkers, as they get very boring and silly, and sometimes abusive. You might even need to make new friends. Is that so bad? No.

Anyhow it’s Christmas Day 2023 and I wish all my readers a Happy Christmas!

Enjoy a glass of good red wine with your meal. Savour small sips.

If you disagree with me please do comment.

If you think you are dependent on alcohol try AA. Or I can recommend a very experienced addictions counsellor - under Arcadia Therapy. Her rates are very reasonable.

Alternatively pray to God that He will help you to stop. Pray anyway - what have you got to lose?

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